Salumerias and Restaurants

Our research work also analyzes the best locations in Italy where to taste selected and sought-after cured meats, proposed and spoken about with passion. In just five editions we have been able to draw a map that covers the entire country, now available to many enthusiasts and producers in the field.

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Salumerias and Restaurants

Our research work also analyzes the best locations in Italy where to taste selected and sought-after cured meats, proposed and spoken about with passion. In just five editions we have been able to draw a map that covers the entire country, now available to many enthusiasts and producers in the field.


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The Best Italian Salumeria

Paciotti is a treasured name in Roman charcuterie, a shop founded in April 1970 thanks to the vision of Antonio Paciotti.. More than half a century later, the business is still family-run with the support of Stefano, Roberto, Luca and Tommaso Paciotti. A treasure chest of excellence from every corner of the Bel Paese, a must-visit destination for fans and professionals of haute charcuterie. The great depth of cured meats is complemented by unique cheeses and delicacies. Under the Italian flag, Paciotti is awarded the prestigious title of Best Salumi Store in Italy 2025.


Paciotti Salumeria
Via Marcantonio Bragadin, 51, Roma (RM)
Tel. +39 06 39733646

The Best Restaurant – with a best of cured meats selection – in Italy

Hosteria da Ivan was founded in 1990 by Ivan Bertelli and his wife Barbara, set within the walls of a historic early 20th-century home, just a few steps from the birthplace of Giovannino Guareschi. In a setting of the past, thanks to the precious collaboration with artisans from the Lower Parma area, the kitchen offers the traditional dishes also appreciated by Verdi and Guareschi, to whom a tasting menu is dedicated.
The dishes follow the seasonality of the raw materials, especially those based on cotechino, mariola, and so on. Fried tosone, braided tortelli with dandelion, lasagna with three sauces, anolini della bassa, parmesan tripe, old-fashioned zabaglione and dry pastries complete the offer. The property also features a cozy restaurant and a dedicated space for exploring Italy’s finest cured meats through ‘Salumoterapia’ (Salumi Therapy), a sensory journey designed by Ivan that engages sight, smell, and taste with long-aged cured meats such as Culatello, Spalla Cruda, Prosciutto Extra, and many other local specialties.


Hostaria da Ivan
Roccabianca, Loc. Fontanelle (PR)

The Best Italian Salumeria

Behind a great cured meat there is always a large, close-knit, enthusiastic delicatessen department. After all, the Italian cured meat production chain, like all production chains, feeds its own virtuous circle through shared knowledge and, as in the best circumstances, handed down from generation to generation, like a herald of achievement. Whether they are gathered in the intimacy of small provincial shops or open, in the urban setting of city lounges, every year Gurus awards the Best Italian Salumeria and its value, which is first of all cultural.


Salumeria Volpetti

Via Marmorata 47, Roma

The Best Restaurant – with a best of cured meats selection – in Italy

At the same time, quality delicatessen endures and indeed shines with its own light even in those restaurants that, with their selection of cured meats, contribute to writing its contemporary history, increasing what we have earlier called the virtuous circle of the production chain. They are territorial addresses, so identified with it that they cannot be left out of consideration from paying particular attention to them even when they decide to express themselves through more avant-garde lines, which no cured meat escapes, even lending itself to interpreting the personal flair and creative zeal of each chef. 


Ristorante Cocchi

Via Antonio Gramsci 16/A, Parma

Tel. 051 981990

Articolo the winners eng

Da quattro generazioni la famiglia Bettella alleva i propri maiali nel rispetto della loro natura biologica ed etologica: un progetto, quello del "Maiale Tranquillo®" che ha valso loro numerosi riconoscimenti e che ha fatto dei loro salumi - premiata quest'anno, con i 5 spilli, la "Spalla Cruda" e, negli anni precedenti, la "Pancetta 24 mesi" e il "Prosciutto crudo XXL 60 mesi" - una vera e propria nicchia di mercato.

Stefano Bettella ci spiega che, per quanto possa sembrare rivoluzionario, "si tratta invece di un progetto semplice: cerchiamo di lavorare come una volta, curando l'intera filiera." Cosa accade prima? "Noi non siamo dei semplici trasformatori. Nei 180 ettari che lambiscono il nostro allevamento, coltiviamo i cereali che servono al sostentamento dei maiali. Questi cereali vengono molati ed essiccati internamente per poi essere serviti per tutto il tempo necessario alla crescita, che sono tempi lenti!". Mentre il disciplinare del Consorzio del Prosciutto di Parma prevede 9 mesi affinché il maiale raggiunga il peso richiesto (170 kg), il Maiale Tranquillo® impiega 24 mesi per arrivare a circa 300 kg." Ciò ci porta, com'è ovvio, fuori mercato. Allo stesso tempo, però, ci permette di maturare una conoscenza, una consapevolezza e una sensibilità superiori."

Da quattro generazioni la famiglia Bettella alleva i propri maiali nel rispetto della loro natura biologica ed etologica: un progetto, quello del "Maiale Tranquillo®" che ha valso loro numerosi riconoscimenti e che ha fatto dei loro salumi - premiata quest'anno, con i 5 spilli, la "Spalla Cruda" e, negli anni precedenti, la "Pancetta 24 mesi" e il "Prosciutto crudo XXL 60 mesi" - una vera e propria nicchia di mercato.

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